Inside: A growing list of Activities for Kids to Do While Waiting In Line at Disney. Keep everyone happy, well-fed, and occupied.
Waiting in line is never easy for young children, but after a long day of fun and excitement at Disney, it can be especially challenging for them. Being prepared with some simple activities children can do while standing in line can make the wait much easier for everyone.
When we were planning our first trip to Disney World, I asked my Facebook friends for advice for our flight and for waiting in line. Their advice has helped us through a few trips to Disney World, and many other trips.
Activities for Kids to Do When Waiting In Line at Disney
- Play with Play-Doh. Play-Doh is sold in really small containers. Bring one container for each child. If you anticipate arguing, you might want to have them all be the same color.
- Pipe Cleaners. These can be bent into all kinds of great designs, they’re light to carry around, and they come in a lot of different colors.
- Snacks. Because everyone’s happier when they’re well-fed, and eating in line kills time. If you plan it right, you can eat some of your meals while waiting in line, which will give you more time to enjoy the rides at the park.
- Light-up toys (at night). Before our last trip to Disney, I picked up a few light-up toys from Target for $3 a piece. They were much cheaper than the ones you can buy at Disney, and our kids were happy to have them. It kept them busy in the evening when they were especially tired.
- Magnetic Drawing Boards. We brought miniature versions of these our magnetic drawing boards and let the kiddos play with them.
- Search for Hidden Mickeys. This is probably better for older children, but it does give kids something to focus on. Try to find as many hidden Mickeys as you can and make a game of it.
Are you planning a trip? Here are some resources to help you plan for and organize your travel:
A Simple Trick for Organizing Travel Documents
The Ultimate Carry-On for Preschoolers
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