Quote of the Week: Thank heaven for dirty dishes, they have a tale to tell. While other folks go hungry, we are eating very well.
Hello friends!
This week the munchkins went off to school. They are loving it so far, so all of the worrying I did this summer about them going to kindergarten and going to a new school was for nothing. I'm so happy to see that they're excited to learn!
One new thing for us has been packing lunches. Who knew it would be this difficult? Luckily, the munchkins have let me know what works and what doesn't. I'm sure the suggestions for improvement will continue throughout the school year! By the time they're in first grade, maybe I'll get the hang of it. 🙂
Lunch Packing Supplies
I've not been totally 100 percent plastic baggie free, but I've been reducing (and trying) a lot! I picked up these two lunch packing tools, and they've been working out nicely so far. They definitely cut out the need for plastic baggies.
I picked up Lunchskins similar to the one above at Target. They were on clearance for just under 7 bucks for a set of two (a sandwich bag and a snack bag).
I also bought a couple of these HusKitchen Stainless Steel Lunch boxes for the littles. They are small enough to fit in their lunch boxes, but there's no way you could fit a whole sandwich in there without cutting it up into smaller pieces.
The kids are using them for the first time today, so we'll see how it goes! If not, I'll have a nice, fancy box for the snacks I keep in the car.
Serious Decluttering. No really. SERIOUS DECLUTTERING.
Now that the kids are back in school, I'm taking the opportunity to do some serious decluttering. Not just regular decluttering, but serious decluttering.
I signed up for my friend Emily's new class – 31 Days of Decluttering to help me stay focused. For some reason, I do much better when I can tell people what I've accomplished. Sure, I can tell my neighbors about it, but they're not as interested.
In Emily's class, there's a Facebook group, free printables, and daily tasks. There will be lots of opportunities for me to share decluttering victories with people who will actually care about it. Yay!!
Plus, there's Emily, and she's about the sweetest person ever. I've always been one of those students who will work harder for a nice teacher. Having Emily leading our group is a big motivator for me! She's also a mom to littles and a teenager, so her organizing ideas are always realistic.
The class officially starts on September 19, but you can do the prep work for the course if you sign up now. I'm already in the class, so if you sign up, say hi to me in our Facebook group, okay?
Free/cheap Kindle Books That Look Promising
Sell Everything Without a Yard Sale – sounds good to me! $3.99
*Kindle book prices change super-fast, so grab them while you can. Don’t have a Kindle? You can download the Kindle app for your other devices and read Kindle books that way.*
Create a Laundry Routine That Works for You
Do you prefer to do laundry every day, or once a week? OR, do you do it when you run out of stuff to wear?
Learn more about your laundry style here.
Mark Your Calendars!
The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle is coming out on September 21. I got a sneak peak at it, and it's a good one! If you'd like to be notified when the bundle is available, go here and you'll get a notification email when it's ready.
Are you wondering, “What is this Ultimate Bundle that she speaks of?” Click here to find out what on earth an Ultimate Bundle is, and see if it's really worth it for you.
Have a great week!
❤ Katie
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