How to organize a playground bag so you are always ready to head to the park. Organize all of your essentials to make playing at the park more comfortable.
Now that the weather is warming up, we have been taking a lot of trips to our neighborhood playground. Although the park is close, it's not close enough to run back home if we end up needing something while we're there.
I found that I was having to put together our bag of supplies for the playground every single day. Finally, I decided to create a standard bag that we always use for going to the playground. I used an old beach bag, but you could also use a re-usable bag from the grocery stores.
Here's what we put in our playground bag for our kiddos:
Playground Bag Contents
- Small snacks – an apple, Goldfish crackers, etc.
- Wipes and tissues (just a few of these, unless someone has a runny nose)
- 2-3 Band-Aids
- Neosporin or whatever type of ointment you have on hand. If you don't like using this kind of stuff, just skip it.
- Smaller, old towel for wiping down wet playground equipment or cleaning up messes
- Hot Wheels (the kids like to play with these at the park)
- Any other outdoor toys the kids might like to play with (bubbles, frisbees, balls, etc.)
Right before we leave, I fill up some water bottles for the kids and parents, and put them in the bag too. Then, everyone puts on sunscreen before we leave the house. If I don't have pockets, I'll put my cell phone in the bag too.
Having all of our playground stuff together in one bag has made getting ready for the park so much easier. We don't have to scramble to find all of our playground items at the last minute. It's also nice to be able to give the bag to a babysitter or grandparent who wants to take the kids to the park.
Looking for more summer ideas? Check out these posts:
How to Plan Ahead for a Great Summer
How to Organize Your Baseball Hats for a Dollar!
Get Prepared to Travel With Kids
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