We're starting week two of the September Ten Minute Tidy Organizing Challenge. If this is the first time you've heard of the challenge, and you'd like to participate, check out the details of the challenge here. This week we're traveling deeper into the depths of our closets to declutter, organize, and generally awesome-ify our wardrobes.
Last Week's Tasks
- Declutter and clean out purses
- Declutter tank tops
- Declutter socks
- Declutter shoes
- Declutter undergarments
- Declutter hangers
- Declutter summer skirts/shorts (today's task)
I don't know about you all, but I did the challenges, and now I have a huge bag of stuff to get rid of in my closet. Priority for this week needs to be finding new homes for these used duds. Here are some general ideas for what you could do to get rid of the stuff you decluttered:
How to Get Rid of the Stuff You've Decluttered
- Purses – If the purses are nice, you might want to send them to ThredUp to see if they'll pay you for them. I'm going to do this with a few of my purses and hope for the best! I've heard mixed reviews about ThredUp, but I've sent things to them twice, and I've been happy with the payouts. They usually only take higher-end clothes, so I don't use their service that much – my clothes are not fancy! I also gave one of my purses to one of the tweens in our neighborhood. She was happy!
- Tank tops – I'd donate these. Even if they're in bad shape, some places may use them to make rags. Ask your donation places and see what they're looking for.
- Socks – Do not save these for future grandchildren to use to make sock puppets! If your donation place wants them, donate them. Otherwise they probably need to be thrown out. No saving these for craft projects! Do not look this up on Pinterest!
- Shoes – Donate, for sure! Some running stores will take old sneakers and send them to people in need.
- Undergarments – Pitch these! (You probably already have…)
- Hangers – If they're metal hangers, many dry cleaners will take them. Call around and ask. Plastic hanger are always appreciated by folks who are doing resales, and sometimes thrift shops can use them. They can also be recycled.
- Summer skirts/shorts. You might have luck selling these in lots on eBay. But, don't let them sit around your house forever. If you're anything like me, you'll convince yourself that you still like them, and they'll end up back in your closet. Probably in a big pile on top of things saved for craft projects. Not that I'd know anything about that…
Next week we will continue with our decluttering extravaganza. Here's what's in store for the week:
- Declutter fall/winter skirts/pants
- Declutter t-shirts
- Declutter nice shirts (fancy ones)
- Declutter sweaters/sweatshirts
- Declutter scarves
- Declutter jackets and coats
- Clean closet and dresser surfaces
If you're following along with the challenge, you can enhance the fabulousness of your overall Organizing Challenge experience by doing the following:
- Officially Sign up here.
- Print off the schedule for this month.
- Join the Organizing Moms Facebook Group. It's a closed group where you can chat with other participants, and see updates about the challenge.
- Follow Organizing Moms on Twitter for task updates.
- Follow Organizing Moms on Instagram and share your organizing and decluttering wins by using the hashtag #10minutetidy.
- Like the Organizing Moms Facebook page for even more organizing tips. And jokes. And links to pictures of toys from the 80s that were super cool.
Thank you for doing this challenge with me! If you have any ideas about how we can all get rid of the stuff we're decluttering, please leave a comment below.
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