Want to get organized? Want to save money and be more frugal? Good news! Being frugal can help you be organized, and being organized can help you be frugal.
Frugality and organization can go hand-in-hand if you go about it with the right mindset. Here's how:
Being Frugal Can Help You Be Organized
- When you're frugal, you use what you have instead of buying new stuff. In order to do this, you need to know what you have, and keep it all organized so you don't forget about it.
- When you're frugal, you buy less. That means there are fewer things coming into your home, which means there's less clutter. Being frugal slows down or stops the inflow of stuff.
- When you're frugal, you plan ahead. To maximize your dollars, you plan meals, inventory your pantry and your freezer, and look for ways to get the most bang for your buck.
- When you're frugal, you start to appreciate the value of your time. Instead of spending time shopping or eating in expensive restaurants, you spend time doing stuff you really enjoy. Or, you do stuff that will help you earn or save money. You start to see how many hours you'd have to work to pay for the things you'd like to buy. Often, it's not worth it!
Being Organized Can Help You Be Frugal
- When you're organized, y0u'll waste less food, and waste less money on groceries you won't eat. When you know what food you have on hand, you can build meal plans around your ingredients. This will save you money at the store because you won't have to buy as much.
- When you're organized, you won't make repeat purchases. Have you ever bought a replacement because you couldn't find something? Get organized and this won't happen as much.
- When you're organized, you'll save on bills. You'll avoid late fees, and you'll be able to see new ways you could save on your expenses. Instead of spending time trying to settle delinquent bills, you can call up your providers and ask for discounts!
- When you're organized, you'll have more time. Once you're more organized, you won't spend so much time trying to find things. You can use that extra time for making more money to pay off your debts or add to your savings.
- When you're organized, you'll discover more ways to save. Once you get rid of the clutter in your house, you'll free your mind up to figure out more ways to cut back or earn more.
- When you're organized, you can turn your clutter into cash. If you sell your used items, you can use that money towards your debt or savings. Here's some ideas for how to sell your used items, and advice on what to do with the items you can't sell but still want to get rid of.
- Getting organized will keep you occupied. If you're trying to keep yourself from spending, decluttering your home, getting organized, and creating systems will keep you out of the stores.
- When you're organized, you will probably find something you need. That might even be money! In the process of decluttering and organizing, you're likely to find things like un-cashed checks, gift certificates, and even cash. A nice reward for your organizing efforts!
- When you're organized, you can save on gas by combining your errands. Get things done without the expense of driving around town multiple times a week.
- When you're organized, you'll start to see how little you really need. There's something about going through your things and decluttering that can help you to see how much you really have.
Ready to get started? Here's a list of resources that will help you start the decluttering process.