Welcome to the latest 10-minute tidy. Today, I'm showing you what ten minutes of decluttering looks like. Last week we got back from a trip to visit family in the Midwest, and the laundry, cleanup, and general craziness of unpacking and adjusting back to our routine took over our bedroom. That's what I focused my 10-minute tidy efforts on this time.
I started doing the 10-minute tidy years ago when I moved into a new apartment and realized that my stuff didn't fit into my apartment. That was over eleven years ago. Now I'm married, I have kids, and I still rely on the 10-minute tidy to keep our house under control. Here's a post I wrote about the benefits of decluttering for 10 minutes at a time.
I decided to do today's 10-minute tidy in our bedroom because that's where all of our laundry (clean and dirty), stuff, and travel supplies landed after the trip.
We were especially tired after changing time zones a couple of times during our trip, so I'd been procrastinating about cleaning up the trip aftermath. Here's a big part of the mess after most of the laundry was done:
Before the 10-Minute Tidy
Lots of clothes to be put away, bins to return to the garage, and general random messiness.
After the 10-Minute Tidy
I'm so glad I finally did this. Seriously, I don't know why I was procrastinating so much. All I really had to do was put the clean clothes away, return the suitcase and bins to the garage, and do a few other little things to tidy up the space. I finished with a few extra minutes to spare, so I dusted off the top of our dresser too.
Want To Do Your Own 10-Minute Tidy?
The 10-minute tidy is great because anyone can do it, and if you take before and after photos, you can see your progress. Even if everything's not perfectly organized and clean, we're still moving forward!
If you'd like to share your before and after pics, check out our Organizing Moms Community Facebook page. It's a closed group, and it's filled with supportive moms who want to get organized.
What areas in your home could use a 10-minute tidy?
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