Welcome back to the Preparing for the Holidays series! Although today's task seems very Christmas-focused, it's actually a good idea to try to do it all year. What are you going to do?
Make Your Own Gift Wish List.
Making your own gift wish list can seem selfish when you start, but it's really a lot of fun. I like to modify my list throughout the year. Here's an article that will walk you through the process of setting up your wish list.
Why Making a Gift Wish List Is a Good Idea
- It helps you be a more responsible buyer. Deciding whether a purchase is wish-list worthy can help you make fewer purchases. Instead of buying something right away, you can put it on your wish list. This helps you to delay purchases, and often you'll decide that you didn't want the item after all.
- It cuts down on clutter. I know that as a gift-giver, I want to give people something they'll like and use. If I don't know what people would like, I end up getting them gifts that sit in the backs of their closets and collect dust.
- It makes gift-giving easier. If everyone in your family makes a wish list, shopping for Christmas gets a lot easier. Of course, there's always room for surprises too!
If you want to start your own wish list, you can do it easily by following these steps for setting up your wish list.
Does your family make wish lists?
During October, Organizing Moms will feature 31 things you can do to prepare for the holidays. Preparing for the holidays can be a lot of fun, and it can help you get things done in advance so you can enjoy the holidays more.
However, if you do try to do all of the things in this series in real-time, you might drive yourself crazy. If you want to follow along and complete the tasks, that's completely fine, but no pressure. This is supposed to be fun, and help you prepare. If you want to skip some things, skip them!
A better approach would be to read along with the series, and use the things that you think would be helpful to you. Bookmark the Preparing for the Holidays page so you can reference it later.
To see links to all of the posts in the series, go to the Preparing for the Holidays page.
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