Ways to organize your space with fabric storage cubes. Versatile storage ideas using fabric bins, cube organizers. Simple, effective storage inspiration.
Fabric storage cubes are one of the best organizing tools you can use to bring order to your space. There's so many different ways you can use them, and they make everything look neat and tidy.
The Benefits of Using Fabric Storage Cubes for Organization
- Versatility – You can change how you use them as your storage needs shift.
- Availability – Most big box stores carry fabric storage bins, so you should be able to find some near you! They're also available online.
- Beauty – Fabric storage cubes come in different sizes and patterns, so you can find something that fits in with your decor.
- Softness – They're nice to use around younger kids who might take a tumble onto them while they're trying to dig out their favorite toys.
- Simplicity – There's no complicated set up. Usually you just have to unfold the storage bin, pop it up, and it's ready to go.
Related: The Best Cube Storage Ideas You Can Find on Amazon!
Ways You Can Organize With Fabric Storage Cubes
- Organize Toys – Fabric storage cubes can be used alone or on a cube shelf to organize toys. Great for playroom organization, or organizing a few toys in the main living area.
- Contain Video Games – Controllers, extra accessories, and even games can be neatly tucked away in a cube or two.
- Corral Cold Weather Accessories – Keep mittens, scarves, and hats all in one place.
- Keep Items for Specific Activities – We have one bin specifically dedicated to storing Cub Scout accessories and books. This makes getting ready for den meetings a lot easier, because everything is in one place.
- Organize Clothing – Fabric storage cubes make great “drawers” for jeans, sweaters, or even socks or undergarments.
- Corral Board Games – We have two cubes dedicated to board game storage in our family room cube shelf.
- Stylishly Hide DVDs – Stow them away with the spine-side up, and you can quickly find any DVD you're looking for, without having them all displayed on an open shelf.
- Hold Extra Linens and Towels – Matching fabric storage cubes in a linen closet look streamlined, and make everything easy to find.
- Contain Magazines and Books – If you have reading materials that you move from room to room, storing them in a bin together makes it easy to take to your current reading space.
- Use As Extra Storage for File Folders or Binders – If you have a lot of extra file folders you don't need to access on a regular basis, stow them away in an extra fabric storage cube. Not recommended for files that get a lot of regular use.Read: How to Start Organizing with Binders
The possibilities for using fabric storage cubes are endless! They're an inexpensive, beautiful storage solution.
Related Posts – See the Fabric Storage Cubes in Action!
- Amazing Cube Shelf Storage Ideas
- Organize It: Family Room – see how we use fabric storage bins as drawers to store all kinds of stuff!
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