Things  You Can Stop Doing This  Christmas

It’s up to us to decide what’s important and worth our time and energy. There are many things you can stop doing this Christmas, and still celebrate, enjoy, and appreciate the season.

Things You Can Stop Doing This Christmas

A few favorite decorations, or even no decorations at all, are just fine.

Massive decorating

Extreme baking

Not required. If you feel the need for holiday sweets, you could always pick up a bag of colorful candy and put it out for everyone to enjoy.

Do your shopping online instead. Or, treat everyone on your list to a gift card.

Shopping ’til you drop

A huge tree

Real or fake. It’s not mandatory.

Christmas cards

There are other ways to share the season with others.

Worrying about gaining weight

If you’ve always worried about this during the holidays, it’s okay to let yourself enjoy some goodies this year.

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