Easy 5-Minute Decluttering Tips for a Peaceful Home

Need to get a grip on your clutter problem fast? These simple but powerful 5-minute decluttering tips will help.

If you find yourself dreaming of a home where you can walk without fear of breaking an ankle by stepping on a toy, you’re going to love these tips!

Make Your Bed Every Day

9 Top 5-Minute Decluttering Tips for Busy Moms

If you don’t currently make your bed every morning, start doing that now. Have the kids make theirs too. 

Pick one.  A section of your kitchen counter, a bathroom counter, a craft workspace.

Clean Off A Counter

Create a System for Incoming Paper

We receive mountains of papers every day and where do they end up? In piles on the counter or the dining table.

Clean a Drawer

It sounds small, but cleaning out just one drawer a day hardly takes any time and covers good ground against clutter.

Break the  Shopping Habit

You can declutter your house all you want, but if you buy as much or more than you declutter, you will never get a grip on the problem.

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